TFI Urges Congressional Action to Avert Nationwide Rail Stoppage

Arlington, VA – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) yesterday sent a letter to Congressional leadership urging congressional action to prevent a Sept. 16th shutdown of freight rail operations in the United States. The potential shutdown comes as rail carriers and labor unions continue negotiations on a contract agreement.

“A disruption to freight rail operations would be catastrophic,” said TFI President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch. “Over half of all fertilizer moves by rail year-round throughout the United States and the timeliness and reliability of fertilizer shipments is absolutely critical. If farmers do not receive fertilizer, it results in lower crop yields, higher food prices, and more inflation for consumers.”

The letter sent by TFI urges Congress to begin preparations to implement the Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) recommendations that fall in the middle of the carriers’ and unions’ contract proposals to avert a total stoppage.

“A speedy resolution is paramount,” concluded Rosenbusch. “With less than two weeks to go, carriers and shippers have already begun contingency planning and if no agreement is reached soon rail shipments will have to wind down days before Sept. 16 to allow carriers to carefully clear their networks. Fertilizer shippers and their farmer customers want carriers and their unions to reach a compromise, and if necessary, Congress needs to act to prevent a devastating halt to our nation’s supply chain.”




TFI Urges Speedy Rail-Labor Union Contract Settlement

Arlington, VA – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) today thanked members of the Presidential Emergency Board (PEB) for hearing from both rail carriers and their labor unions and providing measured recommendations on a pending contract agreement between the two. TFI urges all parties to swiftly reach a compromise and contract agreement. Both sides have until Sept. 16 to evaluate the PEB’s recommendations during a mandated 30-day cooling-off period.

“Uncertainty of this nature is yet another disruption in an already complex environment for farmers, so speedy resolution is paramount,” said TFI President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch. “Over half of all fertilizer moves by rail year-round throughout the United States and the timeliness and reliability of fertilizer shipments is absolutely critical. If farmers do not receive fertilizer, it results in lower crop yields, higher food prices, and more inflation for consumers.”



TFI Lauds Congressional Leadership on Rail Service Issues

Arlington, VA – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch today praised the bipartisan leadership of Congressmen Ralph Norman (R-SC-5) and Jim Costa (D-CA-16) for organizing a letter to the Surface Transportation Board (STB) regarding poor rail service and the negative impact it is having on the fertilizer industry and the overall agricultural sector.

“With over half of all fertilizer moving by rail, we are grateful for the leadership of Congressmen Norman and Costa in bringing the issue of inconsistent rail service to the attention of the STB,” Rosenbusch said. “Their dedication to working with all stakeholders will help ensure that essential crop nutrient inputs reach farmers when and where they need them.”

Fertilizer shipments rely heavily on rail to reach farmers, but imposed restrictions, along with skeleton crews and railroad-led initiatives such as precision-scheduled railroading (PSR), have forced fertilizer shipping reductions and potential production delays.

“Fertilizer is attributable to half of all crop yields,” Rosenbusch continued. “With the world leaning on U.S. farmers now more than ever before to feed our growing population, we must ensure strong yields and our food security. Fertilizer must reach farmers in a timely manner and crop harvests also need to get to their destinations, including the kitchen table.”

The Congressional letter to the STB was signed by 51 members of Congress and can be read in full here.



TFI Applauds STB Hearing on Freight Rail Service

Arlington, VA – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch thanked the Surface Transportation Board (STB) for holding this week’s hearing on “Urgent Issues in Freight Rail Service.”

“Railroads are critical to the on-time delivery of fertilizer to farmers exactly where and when they need it,” Rosenbusch said. “We appreciate the opportunity to provide testimony on how rail service issues are negatively impacting the cost and timely delivery of fertilizer inputs to farmers.”

In submitted testimony, TFI cited such issues as the implementation of precision scheduled railroading (PSR), a lack of competition, and a lack of structural and market-based incentives to be customer-oriented as leading to reduced rail service, high shipping rates, and poor cycle times.

The STB also heard testimony from Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and Department of Agriculture Deputy Secretary Dr. Jewel Bronaugh, both of whom mentioned the importance and challenges facing fertilizer shippers, as well as other agriculture groups such as the American Farm Bureau Federation and the National Grain and Feed Association.

“The ag economy relies heavily on dependable rail service to get inputs to farmers,” concluded Rosenbusch. “The inclusion of so many other groups experiencing the same challenges as the fertilizer industry shows that these issues are felt broadly, are having negative impacts, and must be addressed through modern reforms.”




The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) is the leading voice of the nation’s fertilizer industry. Tracing its roots back to 1883, TFI’s membership includes fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers and trading firms. TFI’s full-time staff, based in Washington, D.C., serves its members through legislative, educational, technical, economic information and public communication programs. Find more information about TFI online at and follow us on Twitter at @Fertilizer_Inst. Learn more about TFI’s nutrient stewardship initiatives at and on Twitter at @4rnutrients.

TFI and NGFA Urge Biden Administration Work with Canada to Ease Supply Chain Strains

ARLINGTON, VA – In a March 7 letter to President Joe Biden, The Fertilizer Institute, the National Grain and Feed Association, and 19 other members of the Agricultural Transportation Working Group requested the administration work with the Canadian government to avert a major railway labor strike and to rescind the cross-border vaccine mandate for workers moving essential commerce.

“(I)f the U.S. and Canadian governments allow the following supply chain disruptions to persist into the spring fertilizer season, the impacts to our industry and North American farmers could be devastating,” the working group noted.

The letter references a potential upcoming labor disruption at Canadian Pacific (CP) Railway. The Teamsters Canada Rail Conference recently voted in favor of strike action, which could happen as early as March 16. The impact would be significant for grain movements on both sides of the border for livestock feeding and processing operations served by the CP. The strike also would halt the CP route that carries U.S grain to the Pacific Northwest export market. Grain is CP’s largest line of business and approximately 10-15 percent of CP’s business is fertilizer, the working group noted.

“A CP railway strike would severely curtail fertilizer supply and shipments into the United States and would happen at the worst possible time as farmers are planting their 2022 crops,” the letter states. “Given the fragility of current supply chains, urgent attention and engagement with all parties is needed to avert a potential strike.”

The letter also urged the U.S. and Canadian governments to modify or rescind their mandates blocking unvaccinated foreign nationals, including truck drivers, from crossing the border. Canada’s vaccine mandate requires U.S. truckers to show proof of vaccination before entering the country and the U.S. mandate requires foreign cross-border truckers to be vaccinated. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has said its border policy will remain in effect through April 21.

“The border policy has raised prices because it has constrained trucking capacity and made truck movements more expensive and less timely,” the letter states.

Over one million short tons of fertilizer cross the U.S.-Canada border by truck each year. March, April and May are peak months for fertilizer applications across the northern states.

“Given the urgency of several supply-chain challenges, we urge revision or rescission of the border policy prior to April 21,” the working group stated.

View the full letter here.



TFI Applauds Hedlund’s Confirmation to STB

ARLINGTON, VA – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch released the following statement regarding Ms. Karen Hedlund’s Senate confirmation to serve as a Board Member of the Surface Transportation Board (STB).

“Congratulations to Karen Hedlund on her confirmation to serve as a Board Member of the STB. Ms. Hedlund has a wealth of transportation experience from her time serving the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHA) in various roles over more than a decade. TFI was pleased to support her confirmation and looks forward to working with her to promote rail competition and reliable service.”



The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) is the leading voice of the nation’s fertilizer industry. Tracing its roots back to 1883, TFI’s membership includes fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers and trading firms. TFI’s full-time staff, based in Washington, D.C., serves its members through legislative, educational, technical, economic information and public communication programs. Find more information about TFI online at and follow us on Twitter at @Fertilizer_Inst. Learn more about TFI’s nutrient stewardship initiatives at and on Twitter at @4rnutrients.

TFI Celebrates Infrastructure Passage

ARLINGTON, VA – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch late Friday applauded the House passage of the “Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.” The legislation authorizes a new highway bill and includes funding for roads, bridges, broadband and water navigation.

“Infrastructure investment is critical to the fertilizer industry because of the just-in-time nature of demand. Fertilizer needs to be delivered to growers exactly when and where they need it and there is not much room for error,” Rosenbusch said. “Bottlenecks due to road or bridge closures or delays due to crumbling locks and dams can negatively impact the timely delivery of necessary crop nutrients to farmers. Fertilizer is critical to strong yields and the success of America’s agricultural industry.

Surface transportation provisions of particular importance to the fertilizer industry are $110 billion for Highway programs, including $12.5 billion for the Bridge Investment Program, and the inclusion of the Drive Safe Act apprentice program and Hours of Service exemption. “All fertilizer utilized in the United States touches a truck at least once, meaning that reliable and safe highways, roads and bridges are of paramount importance,” Rosenbusch explained.

Rosenbusch next highlighted the $17 billion for waterway infrastructure and the $2.5 billion marked for inland waterways construction, explaining that “fertilizer moves year-round by rail, barge and pipeline and ocean vessels and there is much funding needed to address over $8 billion in backlog maintenance for inland waterways.”

Connecting rural America to broadband is also a priority of TFI, with Rosenbusch calling it essential for precision agriculture and the wider implementation of 4R Nutrient Stewardship practices, a scientifically proven method of maximizing crop yields while significantly reducing environmental impacts.

“It has been a long road to get here, but we applaud the House and Senate for coming together and passing this much needed legislation,” Rosenbusch concluded. “Half of all crop yields are directly attributable to fertilizer. If growers don’t receive fertilizer in a timely manner, then there are potential consequences for food security and the environment. We urge President Biden to sign this landmark legislation as soon as it comes across his desk.”

TFI to House Ag Committee: Fertilizer is a Global Commodity Critical to Our Nation’s Food Supply Chain

ARLINGTON, VA – In testimony submitted to the House Agriculture Committee on Wednesday, The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President & CEO Corey Rosenbusch highlighted the global nature of the fertilizer market and its critical role in feeding the world’s growing population.

“First of all, the fertilizer industry ensures that farmers receive the nutrients they need to enrich the soil and, in turn, grow the crops that feed our nation and the world,” Rosenbusch said. “Without fertilizer, we would have to make do with half of our current food supply.”

Pivoting to the subject of the committee hearing, “The Immediate Challenges to Our Nation’s Food Supply Chain,” Rosenbusch continued that fertilizer markets and related supply chain challenges must be considered within a global context, as demand for fertilizer is global in nature and fertilizers are used by farmers in nearly every country in the world.

“Fertilizers are truly global commodities, as these materials are transported from the limited number of countries which produce them to the global market which requires them,” Rosenbusch explained. “Nearly 44% of all fertilizers produced globally are exported. Moving this material from production facilities to farms requires virtually every mode of transportation and a carefully orchestrated system of logistics to serve farmers on a just-in-time basis.”

Prices have been rising for nearly all goods and services over the past 18-20 months, including fertilizer. “A variety of factors impact fertilizer markets, and most recently, are negatively impacting supply and raising costs,” Rosenbusch said. “Current factors that have most influenced the current fertilizer market are global demand for fertilizer, disruptive weather events, deferred facility maintenance due to the COVID-19 pandemic, international trade sanctions and actions, increasing transportation costs, and the rising cost of natural gas.”

Domestically, the February winter ice storms and Hurricane Ida disrupted production in an area responsible for 60% of domestic ammonia production. Further eroding the ability of domestic manufacturers to recover from weather-related lost production was the deferral of necessary maintenance to multi-billion-dollar facilities. This maintenance was delayed to reduce potential exposure to COVID from additional personnel on site and will be ongoing through 2022, resulting in facility closures of 2-6 weeks.

International events have also affected fertilizer supply. “While the U.S. imports 86% of potash fertilizer from Canada and only 5% from Belarus, Belarus is a large supplier of potash and accounts for 21% of global production,” Rosenbusch said. “The sanctions on Belarus have had an impact on the global supply-demand balance and the price of fertilizer. Additionally, China has recently banned phosphate fertilizer exports and instituted tighter export controls on other fertilizer materials, including urea, further tightening the global nitrogen market.”

Rising energy costs affect the cost of fertilizer production, namely the key input of natural gas which accounts for 70-90% of the production cost of ammonia. “The U.S. has enjoyed low natural gas prices in recent years, but in the past six months domestic natural gas prices have increased by 224%,” explained Rosenbusch. “Natural gas prices in Europe are currently four times higher than in the U.S. and have forced facilities there to reduce output or idle plants, leading to lower availability and higher prices for farmers.”

Transportation costs have also risen dramatically, especially for certain types of fertilizer. “Rail rates for shipping anhydrous ammonia, the building block of all nitrogen fertilizers and one of the most efficient sources of nitrogen for farmers, have increased by 206% over the past twenty years,” said Rosenbusch. “That increase is more than triple the average increase for all other commodities combined.” Large cost-saving initiatives and questionable authority delegation to the rail industry, coupled with the fact that more than half of all fertilizer tonnage moves by rail, have raised shipping costs for fertilizer by millions of dollars.

“Many in the agricultural sector have experienced challenges related to crop inputs and fertilizer has not been spared,” Rosenbusch concluded. “We are proud of the industry’s efforts to ensure supply while dealing with changing global dynamics so that farmers in the U.S. and abroad are able to grow the food, fuel and fiber our growing world needs.”  

TFI’s full submitted testimony can be read by clicking here.



The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) is the leading voice of the nation’s fertilizer industry. Tracing its roots back to 1883, TFI’s membership includes fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers and trading firms. TFI’s full-time staff, based in Washington, D.C., serves its members through legislative, educational, technical, economic information and public communication programs. Find more information about TFI online at and follow us on Twitter at @Fertilizer_Inst. Learn more about TFI’s nutrient stewardship initiatives at and on Twitter at @4rnutrients.

Infrastructure Package Moves through Senate Committee

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation on Wednesday approved its portion of the Senate’s Highway bill by a vote of 25-3.

While the legislation approved Wednesday by the Committee is very similar to the introduced version, the manager’s amendment (substitute) included the following policy modifications that may be of interest.

  • Ag Restricted CDLs:  Sen. Moran (R-KS) led this effort. Allows for the Farm-Related Restricted CDL program to restart at the beginning of each calendar year. The change does not address request (see coalition letter) to increase the number of days that farm-related restricted CDLs can operate, though Committee staff is willing continue discussions and indicated willingness to increase the days from 180 to 210 days after the markup and presumably prior to approval by the full Senate.
  • Drive Safe Act:  Sen. Young (R-IN) led this effort. Compromise language was agreed to that creates a pilot program with similar parameters to the civilian pilot program that former Secretary Chao was working to finalize. This is not everything that we wanted (see coalition letter), but it is as much as we could get and it importantly comes with assurances that Chair Cantwell (D-WA) will support the compromise language throughout the legislative process.
  • Hauls Act (HOS):  Sen. Fischer (R-NE) led this effort. Compromise language creates an expanded hours-of-service exemption of 150 air-miles on the backend for livestock haulers only. This is helpful to livestock, but no one else. Concern for animal welfare appears to be the primary factor of this narrow compromise, despite the efforts of the broader coalition.

Outlook:  The full House intends to consider its Highway bill the week of June 28. Neither the House nor Senate has formerly identified how to pay-for their Highway bills to cover the anticipated shortfall of projected Highway Trust Fund (HTF) revenues. The federal tax on gasoline of 18.4 cents per gallon has not been adjusted since 1993. It is possible that Congress could authorize spending, including deficit spending, for a new Highway bill and separately move a reconciliation package that includes other Democrat priorities, including corporate and capital gains tax increases. The Senate EPW Committee unanimously approved its $312 billion portion on May 26. The Senate Banking Committee still needs to act on its authorizing portion that includes certain transit accounts. It appears that the full Senate will not consider its Highway bill until July at the earliest.

Also Wednesday, and somewhat separately, a group of 20 Senators (10 Republicans and 10 Democrats) announced support (related article) for a framework on a broader infrastructure package. Details are scant, though reports indicate it would be $974 billion over five years, $1.2 trillion over eight years, and it includes $579 billion in new spending, which should generally mean spending above and beyond projected highway trust fund revenues via a Highway bill. A lot of hypotheticals remain, but a future House-Senate Highway bill agreement could be included in this framework.

TFI Says STB Final Rule on Demurrage a Positive for Shippers

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) applauded the Tuesday, April 6th issuance of a final rule by the Surface Transportation Board (STB) regarding several demurrage billing data points for which TFI advocated.

“The final rule issued by the STB will provide fertilizer shippers with greater transparency and fairness regarding railroad demurrage charges,” said TFI President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch. “Demurrage charges have increased dramatically – and often unfairly — following rail industry implementation of so-called Precision Scheduled Railroading (PSR). Shippers are entitled to have the information they need to determine the justification of these charges.

Among the billing data points included in the STB’s final rule are the original estimated arrival time of each car, the time of receipt at the last interchange with the invoicing carrier, and the ordered in date and time.

“Fair and transparent demurrage charges are something TFI has been advocating for years,” Rosenbusch concluded. “Yesterday’s decision is a win for shippers, and we thank the Board for its efforts to modernize rail oversight.”



The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) is the leading voice of the nation’s fertilizer industry. Tracing its roots back to 1883, TFI’s membership includes fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers and trading firms. TFI’s full-time staff, based in Washington, D.C., serves its members through legislative, educational, technical, economic information and public communication programs. Find more information about TFI online at and follow us on Twitter at @Fertilizer_Inst. Learn more about TFI’s nutrient stewardship initiatives at and on Twitter at @4rnutrients.