TFI Applauds STB Demurrage Decisions

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) today applauded yesterday’s decision by the Surface Transportation Board (STB) regarding rules and changes related to demurrage and accessorial charges levied against shippers.

“TFI is pleased with the Board’s actions,” said TFI President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch. “Over half of all fertilizer moves by rail, so these decisions are great news for the fertilizer industry, its customers, and the rail carriers we depend upon. The Board’s balanced decisions will clarify expectations and minimize governmental intrusion into the rail marketplace.”

Yesterday, the Board issued three decisions related to demurrage charges, including; (1) a final policy statement articulating the factors it will use to determine the reasonableness of demurrage charges; (2) a final rule regarding shipper-warehouse demurrage responsibility, and; (3) a supplemental proposed rulemaking regarding minimum information requirements for demurrage invoices.

“These changes will help to improve fairness, service and system fluidity,” Rosenbusch concluded. “We also thank the Board for continuing its critical oversight functions and efforts to modernize its oversight during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

TFI Wins HOS Exemption for Fertilizer

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch today applauded the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) for including fertilizer in the list of products covered by the agency’s Hours of Service (HOS) emergency declaration. This inclusion will help avoid any potential bottlenecks in the fertilizer supply chain during these challenging times.

“First of all, we thank Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Elaine Chao and FMCSA Acting Administrator Jim Mullen for adding fertilizer to the essential commodities list,” Rosenbusch said. “At the end of the day, it’s about putting food on Americans’ tables. Fertilizer relies on a safe and efficient transportation network to get crop nutrients to farmers where and when they need them. With the spring planting session upon us, any delays could lead to farmers not getting the essential crop nutrients when and where they are needed to grow the food, fuel and fiber our world needs.

TFI requested that fertilizer be added to the emergency declaration in a letter to Secretary Chao on Wednesday, urging that fertilizer is an essential precursor to food production and that the time-sensitive nature of fertilizer delivery warranted fertilizer’s inclusion. On Thursday, FMCSA responded by releasing an amended list that included fertilizer. 

“Because of Secretary Chao and Acting Administrator Mullens’ actions, farmers across the country will be able to rely on the safe and timely delivery of fertilizer on which our food security depends,” Rosenbusch concluded.

TFI Leads Ag Coalition in Urging States to Use CISA Guidance to Ensure Food and Agriculture are Deemed Essential

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Led by The Fertilizer Institute (TFI), over 40 national food and agriculture organizations today joined together to send letters to all 50 governors requesting that they “incorporate the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) guidance and any future amendments into their state response plan, and any critical shelter-in-place or shut down orders for their state, allowing these workers, facilities and services to continue to operate and provide necessary inputs for the food and agriculture supply chain.”

The letter highlights the critical nature of these workers, facilities and services and the importance of maintaining their ability to continue to operate and provide necessary inputs for the food and agriculture supply chain. Potential disruptions to these businesses would include impacts on accessibility of seed, fertilizer, crop protection products, credit providers, agricultural labor, equipment, grains, oilseeds and processed commodities, flour, animal food and ingredients for food-producing animals, modes of transportation, daily movement of milk and all other agricultural commodities.

The letter concludes with the need for swift and consistent action, saying, “[w]ith the spring planting season already upon us, the next six to eight weeks will be crucial to ensure that American agriculture can operate safely and without undue burdens that could inhibit our ability to do what we do best, feed the world.”

The full letter can be read by clicking here.

TFI Urges States to Use CISA Guidance in Designating Fertilizer an Essential Industry

WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a letter sent to all 50 state governors on Monday, The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch requested that states use guidance issued by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that lists fertilizer industry employees as essential workers and the fertilizer industry as one of the nation’s critical infrastructure industries.

“Using the federal guidelines will ensure a consistent approach across all 50 states and local governments,” Rosenbusch said. “And having fertilizer and all agriculture inputs recognized as “essential services” will ensure that American agriculture can remain operable and unfettered across the country.”

The next six to eight weeks are crucial to the fertilizer industry and farmer customers, as they conduct spring planting activities. The timely delivery of plant nutrients to American farmers is critical to their ability to produce food, fuel, and fiber.

“In order to get plant nutrients to the farm, the fertilizer industry relies on a safe and efficient transportation network, including rail carriers, ports, barges, pipelines, and trucks,” Rosenbusch continued. “Fertilizer is responsible for 50 percent of crop yields and is essential to our nation’s agricultural production and food supply. Our members have taken steps to remain fully operational throughout the duration of this event while taking necessary precautions to protect the health and safety of their employees and the communities in which they operate.”

TFI is not currently aware of any prohibitions contemplated on interstate shipments of goods to contain the spread of COVID-19 at this time, but stressed that such constraints could cripple the ability of its members to provide farmers with the fertilizers they need in a very limited planting window.

The full letter can be read by clicking here.


TFI Applauds DHS Move to Designate Fertilizer Industry as Essential

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President and CEO Corey Rosenbusch today applauded the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s (CISA) guidance listing fertilizer employees as essential and the fertilizer industry as one of the nation’s critical infrastructure industries. The industries whose workers are identified are deemed essential to the U.S. economy and are required to continue operations, to the greatest extent possible

“Fertilizer is responsible for 50 percent of crop yields and is essential to our nation’s agricultural production and food supply,” Rosenbusch said. “We thank the Trump Administration for recognizing the critical role fertilizer plays in feeding our nation and the world.”

Prior to the designation of essential by DHS, TFI members were already taking steps to remain fully operational throughout the duration of this event while taking necessary precautions to protect the health and safety of their employees and the communities in which they operate.

“In addition to thanking the administration and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), I’d also like to thank all of TFI’s member companies and employees for the incredible work they do every day and for continuing that work in the face of a global pandemic to ensure that farmers have the plant nutrients where and when they are needed to produce the food, fuel and fiber our world needs,” concluded Rosenbusch.

 The full letter sent to President Trump on Wednesday can be read by clicking here.


TFI Applauds President Trump’s Signing of USMCA

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) Vice President of Stewardship and Sustainability Lara Moody released the following statement regarding President Trump signing the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA).  
“We commend President Trump for doing exactly what he said he would do; provide a win for agriculture and the millions of hard working men and women who grow the food, fuel and fiber that feeds our growing world by securing an improved trade deal with our two largest agricultural trading partners. In addition to President Trump, TFI thanks U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for their bipartisan efforts to put American workers and industry in a position to be able to compete on the global stage by ensuring that markets remain open and fair. President Trump signing the USMCA will strengthen U.S. agriculture and the countless communities whose economic well-being is tied directly to the soil.”


The Fertilizer Institute (TFI)
The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) is the leading voice of the nation’s fertilizer industry. Tracing its roots back to 1883, TFI’s membership includes fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers, and trading firms. TFI’s full-time staff, based in Washington, D.C., serves its members through legislative, educational, technical, economic information and public communication programs. Find more information about TFI online at Learn more about TFI’s nutrient stewardship initiatives at

TFI Applauds Trump Administration’s Finalization of WOTUS Rule

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) Vice President of Stewardship and Sustainability Lara Moody issued the following statement regarding the Trump administration’s finalization of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of the Army repeal and replacement of the 2015 Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule.

“The fertilizer industry strongly supports the EPA’s and the Department of the Army’s new WOTUS rule, which provides a sustainable national water policy that both protects the environment and facilitates smart economic development. The new rule more clearly defines which waters are subject to federal jurisdiction and which waters are subject to state protection, clarity that was severely lacking in the 2015 rule.

“We have long shared EPA’s goal of improving water quality and continuously advocate for the adoption of nutrient management practices such as 4R Nutrient Stewardship (using the right fertilizer source, applied at the right rate, at the right time and in the right place) that enhance environmental protection while helping to ensure farmer profitability.

“We applaud the Trump administration, the EPA and the Department of the Army for their efforts to ensure a future with both clean water and clear rules.”


The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) is the leading voice of the nation’s fertilizer industry. Tracing its roots back to 1883, TFI’s membership includes fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers and trading firms. TFI’s full-time staff, based in Washington, D.C., serves its members through legislative, educational, technical, economic information and public communication programs. Find more information about TFI online at and follow us on Twitter at @Fertilizer_Inst. Learn more about TFI’s nutrient stewardship initiatives at and on Twitter at @4rnutrients.

TFI Statement on Senate Approval of USMCA

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) Vice President of Stewardship and Sustainability Lara Moody today welcomed the U.S. Senate’s approval of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The historic trade agreement, once signed by President Trump, will strengthen U.S. agricultural exports and provide needed certainty to agricultural markets.

“We commend Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and members of the U.S. Senate for coming together in a bipartisan fashion to overwhelmingly approve the USMCA and we look forward to President Trump signing the deal as quickly as possible. This new agreement will provide the millions of hard-working men and women in U.S. agriculture with a huge economic win and allow them to compete on the global stage by ensuring that markets with our strongest trading partners remain open and fair,” said Moody. “Mexico and Canada are two of the United States’ biggest trading partners and together import over 60% of U.S. agricultural goods.” 


The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) is the leading voice of the nation’s fertilizer industry. Tracing its roots back to 1883, TFI’s membership includes fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers and trading firms. TFI’s full-time staff, based in Washington, D.C., serves its members through legislative, educational, technical, economic information and public communication programs. Find more information about TFI online at and follow us on Twitter at @Fertilizer_Inst. Learn more about TFI’s nutrient stewardship initiatives at and on Twitter at @4rnutrients.

TFI Optimistic STB Report Will Spur Reform

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) President & CEO Chris Jahn today praised the Surface Transportation Board’s (STB) recently released report from the Rail Reform Task Force on recommending improvements to the process for reviewing excessive rail rates.

“This report is good news for rail shippers,” said Jahn. “With rate review cases costing an average of $5 to $10 million and taking 3 to 5 years to litigate, the current process clearly does not work. Since 2005, rail rates for anhydrous ammonia, an essential fertilizer used by farmers, have spiked over 200%. Modernizing oversight of rail rates is much needed and long overdue.”

“TFI and our members look forward to working closely with the STB to adopt reforms that better reflect the modern-day rail marketplace,” continued Jahn. “The fertilizer industry thanks Chairman Ann Begeman and the Board for their interest in making the rate review process work for shippers and for railroads. That’s how we are going to keep the U.S. economy on track.”

Facts about moving fertilizer via rail:

  • Half of all fertilizer moves by rail
  • Moving fertilizer by rail instead of truck reduces GHG emissions by 75%
  • One rail car carries the equivalent of four truck loads


The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) is the leading voice of the nation’s fertilizer industry. Tracing its roots back to 1883, TFI’s membership includes fertilizer producers, wholesalers, retailers and trading firms. TFI’s full-time staff, based in Washington, D.C., serves its members through legislative, educational, technical, economic information and public communication programs. Find more information about TFI online at and follow us on Twitter at @Fertilizer_Inst. Learn more about TFI’s nutrient stewardship initiatives at and on Twitter at @4rnutrients.