South Georgia Farmer Champions Nutrient Stewardship

Grower: Mason Roberts, MTR Farms
Retailer: Daniel Mullenix, GreenPoint Ag

In South Georgia, fourth-generation farmer Mason Roberts is leading the charge in nutrient stewardship, committed to nurturing the land for future generations. Mason, alongside his father and brother, continues the legacy of his family, focusing on peanut and cotton farming, including embracing practices to ensure the sustainability of their operations.

“We’re following in the footsteps of what my grandpa and uncle have laid out before us,” Mason said. “Just trying to do everything we can to nurture the land and have it here for my son to take it on and keep it going for years to come.”

Mason relies heavily on their partnerships, including GreenPoint Ag and trusted advisor Daniel Mullenix, who praises Mason’s forward-thinking approach.

“Mason epitomizes what the next evolution of the face of the farm needs to look like,” Daniel stated. “So you couple that with good management practices, with good stewardship, with a 4R program, with a trusted advisor such as GreenPoint Ag and myself, and I think you have a very winning combination.”

Mason epitomizes what the next evolution of the face of the farm needs to look like.

Daniel Mullenix, GreenPoint Ag

The 4R Nutrient Stewardship program—right source, right rate, right time, and right place—is central to Mason’s farming strategy.

“With the right rate, we’re able to implement variable rate applications here on our farm, going back previous years on historical data on our fields and what we know they can retain at the time. We do have a very low CEC soil, so we don’t retain a lot of our fertilizer application if it’s not made at the right time or the right place.”

Mason also highlights the importance of preventing nutrient runoff, particularly in the Flint River watershed, a critical part of the local ecosystem.

“When it gets back to the river, I mean, that’s a huge part of our ecosystem, and when you start affecting that, it has effects back to us,” he noted.

Photo Credit: Teresa Michael

Daniel Mullenix, who has observed the ripple effect of Mason’s practices, believes that “farmers follow farmers.”

“It’s a win-win-win for everybody what he’s doing,” Daniel said, underscoring the broader impact of Mason’s work.

Mason himself is grateful for the opportunity to lead by example. “I think it’s important that we all stick together and be a community as one so we can be better stewards of the land that we are here to protect and ensure it gets passed on to the next generation.”

Photo Credit: Teresa Michael

Mason Roberts’ commitment to nutrient stewardship and sustainable farming practices is not just about preserving his family’s legacy; it’s about safeguarding the future of farming for everyone in his community.