Fertilizer Reporting Solutions is a resource created to help streamline fertilizer tonnage reporting by organizing all the necessary information to comply with reporting requirements in one single place. Fertilizer reporting is not federally regulated and therefore each state has slightly different requirements of what and how companies must report. Providing the information in an accessible and consistent format improves the efficiency and accuracy of reporting for the industry.
If you’re looking to understand how you need to report sales of fertilizer, lime or soil amendments in a state that you do business, we have all that information in one place!
Founding Partners

BHP and Simplot understand the importance of this information to the industry and have elected to become a founding partner to ensure the availability of this crucial information.
Interested in supporting Fertilizer Reporting Solutions as a founding partner? Email Bella Shain at [email protected].
The Benefits of Fertilizer Reporting Solutions
Solutions provides value for anyone who must report tonnage.
One Place
Rather than searching through multiple pages on each state’s website, all relevant information is in one place to improve reporting efficiency.
All information related to reporting guidelines, licensed companies, registered products and state product categories can be downloaded for ease of use.
Reporting requirements and data is updated around key reporting periods to ensure you have the most up-to-date information while you complete required reporting.
Access Fertilizer Reporting Solutions in 3 Easy Steps
Fertilizer Reporting Solutions is designed with your business’s reporting needs in mind.
Determine the level of access based on your organization’s business needs.
Subscribe and receive access for anyone in your organization
What’s Included
Subscribing to Fertilizer Reporting solutions will give you access to:
Detailed reporting guidelines
Overview of state specific reporting requirements including reported materials, rates, schedule, and key contacts.
Licensed companies & Registered Products
A list of companies licensed to sell or distribute fertilizer and a list of registered products in a state (if the state maintains a list) to help determine fee exemptions and product registration status.
Product Categories
A table displaying how each state asks products to be categorized and the respective fees or rates for each category.
Quick Reference Guide
A combination of key information from the Reporting Guidelines and Product Categories to give a detailed overview of each states requirements in a table format. See sample.
Fertilizer Reporting Solutions FAQs
Answers to some of the most-asked questions
The Fertilizer Institute (TFI) received feedback from many fertilizer companies that fertilizer, amendment, and liming tonnage reporting, especially in multiple states, can be extremely complicated and nuanced. There were instances where companies expressed, they were likely paying more than they needed to because they did not want to worry about violating tax codes and the varying frequencies, rates, and methods to reporting were overwhelming for the people in charge of it. In an effort to put all state information regarding fertilizer, soil amendment, and liming reporting into one place, this resource was created.
Ahead of each required reporting period, a new licensed company and registered product list is requested from each state that maintains these lists. For example, a state that requires monthly reporting, we request updated lists at the end of the reporting month and upload them within the first couple of days of the following month to ensure users have the most accurate data when reporting for that previous period/month. Additionally, we request that each state review all their reporting requirements annually to ensure accuracy and to capture any changes. The reporting guidelines pages along with the company and product lists, indicate when they were last updated or reviewed to provide users confidence in the displayed information.
Access to Fertilizer Reporting Solutions is available through an annual subscription, which can be used by your entire company. That subscription rate is dependent on your business and your TFI membership.
Interested in learning what subscription rate your company qualifies for? Contact Bella Shain, Membership & Sales Manager, at [email protected]